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California's KPFA Program Director, Laura Prives, Blocks Airing of Gary Null Interview Countering Pro-Vaccine Propaganda as CA Senate Sellouts (SS) Pass SB277, the Mandatory Vaccination Bill

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[Editor's Note: I stopped listening to LA's KPFK and its sister station in Berkeley, KPFA, daytime programming about 8 years ago because I got so tired of the daily cultural Marxist indoctrination party line coming from imported Leftists like Sonali Kolhatkar or Zion's own multimillionaire gatekeeper, Amy Goodman, that I couldn't stand it anymore. These Pacifica Foundation radio stations and their program directors are constantly pitching for support donations from the public because they are "fiercely independent" and "speak truth to power" and other similar ringing shibboleths that have little basis in reality. As can be seen here, the program director, manager and board of KPFA are firmly in bed with Big Pharma vaccine propaganda and their Big Bribery, Big Pressure mandatory vaccination agenda steam rolling through the California legislature masquerading as "we have to protect our children from the unvaccinated" juggernaut called SB277. I expect the foot-in-mouth ignoramus who identifies herself as Laura Prives may soon be looking for another job as the emails begin pouring in, but the brainwashed dupes overseeing politically correct daytime programs heard on all Pacifica radio stations are cut from the same cultural Marxist cloth woven by the World Conquerors and need to be recognized as Leftist gatekeepers and not financially supported to continue in their role as tools of Marxist propaganda by supporting them with donations in order to brainwash the next generation of "progressive" dupes .

Gary Null recorded a 2 hour radio show (below) on his own network on May 14, 2015 with Bonnie Faulkner in order to make up for the scheduled interview with Gary that was censored by brainiac Laura Prives a week earlier on KPFA. Mandatory vaccinations for all school children, SB277, has already passed the California Senate and now goes to the California Assembly. If approved by the Assembly, Governor Jerry Brown will surely sign it into law. Incredible as it may seem, SB792 has also been introduced by Sen. Tony Mendoza which will require mandatory vaccinations, including the flu vaccine, for all adults working in day care facilities or family care and makes it a crime not to be vaccinated. Labor Union and Big Pharma gofers like Mendoza start with bills aimed at children and day care to get their foot in the door. From there, they intorduce mandatory vaccination bills for all adults working in elderly care facilities; then to any sort of nursing care facility, to old age homes, etc.

Gary Null Show – May 14, 2015 [Examining pro-vaccine lies and propaganda]

Gary does a special 2 hour interview with Bonnie Faulkner of Guns and Butter. Bonnie Faulkner is an independent radio journalist whose regular program, Guns and Butter, has been an inspiration to many. The program investigates the relationships between capitalism, militarism and politics in the aftermath of the 911 attacks. The program is aired weekly on Pacifica stations WBAI and KPFA in Berkeley and PRN. Her website is

Play or Download this episode (right click to 'save link as')]
May 30, 2015

California's KPFA Program Director, Laura Prives, Blocks Airing of Gary Null Interview Countering Pro-Vaccine Propaganda as CA Senate Sellouts (SS) Pass SB277, the Mandatory Vaccination Bill (May 30, 2015)

A radio program featuring a popular radio host, documentarian and alternative health expert was censored by its network after featuring an interview that presented information and arguments against vaccinations.

As reported by The Daily Sheeple, the expert, Gary Null, who has the longest-running health talk show airing on the Progressive Radio Network, was asked to appear recently as a guest on Bonnie Faulkner's program, Guns and Butter, which "investigates the relationships among capitalism, militarism and politics," according to the show's web site. Her program airs on Pacifica KPFA public radio stations.

In the spirit of legitimate debate, Faulkner asked Null to provide the other side of the vaccine debate - not the "case closed" version, but rather the "what you're not being told about vaccines" side. Null was asked specifically to discuss SB277, the California legislation that would mandate vaccines for virtually all school-aged children in the state, except for homeschooled kids, who represent a tiny minority.

As noted by The Daily Sheeple:

When it came time to air, however, they were told they weren't allowed – or rather, they were outright censored and the show was cut – the first time for Guns and Butter in over 11 years.

No real courage to tell the truth
However, Faulkner refused to take that censorship lying down. She decided to do a "reverse interview" by appearing on Null's program just to get the information out.

KPFA's mission statement is quite interesting:

Over the years we've advanced the discussions and told the truth about historical moments of political impasse, racial tensions and economic inequality.

So much for the courage to tell the "truth."

To make matters worse, KPFA program director Laura Prives publicly declared reasons for pulling the program showed more ignorance -- if not outright intolerance -- for a politically incorrect position on vaccines:

Statement from Laura Prives, KPFA Program Director

"Credibility means everything to a media organization. Part of the job of Program Director is to ensure that listeners can continue to come to KPFA as a trusted source of information. Gary Null is not a credible source for health information. Null has denied that HIV causes AIDS and that AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease. Null has built a career of selling remedies, supplements and alternative medical advice. His most advanced credential for his advice on life-threatening diseases is a Ph.D. in human nutrition and public health sciences from Union Institute; University, a private, distance-learning college based in Cincinnati, Ohio. He has personally profited off of sales from his products used as thank you gifts on his radio show, a violation of FCC rules.

The majority of the KPFA board rejected previous interim General Manager Andrew Philips’ suggestion to put Gary Null’s radio show on KPFA, before it even became an actual proposal.
KPFA has a serious responsibility to provide its listeners with accurate, science-based information on public health, most especially on issues that could potentially cause harm to people. Whether or not to invite Gary Null on the KPFA airwaves is not an issue of censorship. It is, however, about protecting the public airwaves from mis-information and from people who stand to profit by offering dubious remedies to sick and vulnerable listeners.

KPFA has covered and will continue to cover the many issues around vaccines and immunization using the best practices of independent and verifiable journalism.

Come debate me

For his part, Null, in a lengthy rebuttal, noted that Prives' position is dramatically at odds with that of the station's founder.

"Lewis Hill [founder] would have been appalled at the blatant censorship imposed upon Bonnie Faulkner and myself, especially in light of the California senate's recent passage of a bill that destroys Californians' freedom of health choices for their children," Null said, stating that his appearance on Faulkner's program would have come before senators in Sacramento considered SB277. "Had I been allowed the opportunity to present the independent science opposing Big Pharma's spurious claims for vaccine efficacy and safety, there might have been enough support from KPFA listeners to have delayed or thwarted the bill's sponsors from passing it."

Null also discussed his credentials; over the past four decades, he noted that he had published some 600 articles on science, medicine and the environment. He has penned more than 300 investigative reports, dozens of which became cover stories for national magazines.

"I have won numerous awards for investigative reporting, journalism and radio broadcasting on these matters," he added.

Null also issued this challenge:

Since you have already had the chance to express your contempt for me through your libelous public statements, I now invite you to substantiate those statements -- to transform them from mere unfounded assertions into solid verified fact -- by coming on my program to debate me.

Thus far, Prives has been a no-show.


Pacifica’s KPFA Bans Gary Null Interview on Vaccines


Network’s Flagship Station Falls in Lockstep Behind CA’s March Toward Mandatory Vaccination.

On May 6th Gary Null was scheduled to appear on Bonnie Faulkner’s program Guns and Butter, regularly broadcast over the Pacifica Network’s flagship station KPFA in Berkeley CA. He was scheduled for the full hour to speak on vaccine efficacy and safety, and address issues concerning the California vaccine bills. The station censored Faulkner from doing the broadcast, Null’s producer and assistant Richard Gage reports. This is the first time Guns and Butter has been censored in 11 years.

The program is syndicated and airs on other land stations around the nation, and is particularly popular in California. KPFA and other Pacifica stations pride themselves in being the last bastions of free-speech and commercial free broadcasting in the nation. In fact, Null himself has hosts a daily program, The Gary Null Show, on New York City Pacifica affiliate, WBAI.

Yet the network has become increasingly controlled by ideologues with political agendas trumping the public interests it claims to champion. Anyone who wishes to file complaints to KPFA management and express the station’s disservice to California residents may do so by sending a brief email to either the general manager Quincy McCoy or better yet the program director Laura Prives who was responsible for banning the broadcast, at

Posted in not categorized    Tagged with Media Censorship, vaccines


bill - May 22nd, 2015 at 11:06 AM
Guns and Butter should not be censored.
Nora Leininger - May 22nd, 2015 at 4:29 PM
Oh Snap!!!!! We are all watching and waiting for a response to the invitation for Laura Pravis to appear on Gary Null's program. So...?
PSYLOTUS - May 22nd, 2015 at 4:34 PM
LOL,, Wouldn't want to be Laura Prives right now..! -(( KPFA Program Director FAIL!!))-
Gygpsy Taub - May 22nd, 2015 at 4:40 PM
WOW!!! This is a lot worse than I had thought! Laura Previs needs to resign. I love the idea of her having to debate Gay Null. I would LOVE to hear that debate! Except I know that Laura Pervis is a back stabbing ignorant corporate tool, and way too much of a coward to enter a public debate.

She was hoping to censor Gary Null and sweep it under the rug. She wasn't expecting us to rise up against her blatant censorship.

I can't wait to see her get sued!
Nori - May 22nd, 2015 at 7:31 PM
Of all the radio stations that I had hoped would get it right, KPFA should have done their homework. This is most disappointing to me, a long-term supporter of this remarkable radio station.
Jeffrey M. Dickemann, Ph.D. - May 23rd, 2015 at 3:52 PM
One distinctive aspect of this dispute is the failure of Null to specify where he got his degree/training, what the basis for his theories is and whether he is in the business of selling cure. Ms. Privas reveals what he hides. This makes me suspicious of Null. I have never heard him speak or had any other previous knowledge of him. However i confess to having been very involved in the HIV crisis in the past.
Chiliboots - May 23rd, 2015 at 5:54 PM
KPFA, relying upon Public Financial Support as it does, is now 'circling the drain' with us
as a direct result of the unwarranted, and illegitimate, attacks upon Gary Null, engineered
by Laura Prives, current KPFA Program Director. Now would be the time to discharge this
individual, or share in her permanent loss of credibility, and funding, formerly forthcoming
from our pockets, to yours. What shall it be, KPFA? We await your decision in this regard.

Of course, ALL of Pacifica Radio, Nation-wide, is suspect, by association, of collusion in
this onerous, un-professional, Censorship of "Guns and Butter", be advised.
Chan Bartlett - May 24th, 2015 at 2:59 AM
Several years ago I concluded that the factionalism at KPFA includes some who presumably "walk" like mainstream media, so I learned to pick and choose among KPFA shows. One reason I love Bonnie's show is that it is such a good source of information not generally heard elsewhere; another is that Bonnie herself sets such a high standard and tone both in interviews and in keeping above factionalism. I have to wonder why this show was targeted, after all the other controversial topics the show has covered.
Robin Gaura Vila - May 24th, 2015 at 6:30 AM
When the rogue board continued to hide financial misconduct, failed to do their job vis a vis accountability, and created so many problems and financial losses for Pacifica, I switched to Gary Null's station; It's very good. I love Derrick Jensen's show, Resistance Radio, and other shows. Pacifica is wasting our donations. There has been a house coup. I can't stand to even hear Brian Edwards Stiekert's voice, knowing how he has lied in his capacity as Treasurer. What will it take to remove these cointelpro type functionaries? This censorship is really outrageous, as is the forced vaccination program. Many healthy young women have died miserably within a year of being vaccinated with Guardasil, a worthless vaccine with a poor rate of success against a disease most would never have contacted. I still tune in for shows and programmers that I love, but the constant fundraising that goes on now, without the process of community building that is so much in line with Pacifica's charter, is annoying. To think that they pay $5,000 a month for checks to pay bills, or order $3,000 worth of financial documents that no one looks at, makes me withhold my humble contributions. Where is the attorney general's report? There are clear violations of the charter, and misappropriation of funds, lack of leadership, and flaunting of rules. Shame on anyone who goes along with this criminality.
Ponerology - May 24th, 2015 at 1:27 PM
Public Radio = those who run the agenda take tax (aka extortion) money off of their herd and give them back the slop which they deem is best consumed by their herd.
Ralph Metzner, Ph.D. - May 24th, 2015 at 1:29 PM
The drive to compulsively vaccinate all school age children is unscientific and unethical %u2013 vaccination, like other health decisions should be a personal choice. The silencing of a scientific critic of compulsory public health program is the hallmark of a totalitarian, not a democratic system. Criticism and public debate is essential to a free democracy. There is sizable dissent in the medical and public health community of the safety and efficacy of mandatory vaccinations. Making them mandatory is a blatant commercial coup for the pharmaceutical industry. I'm seriously disappointed at KPFA's censor ship of Gary Null's voice %u2013 and will not be making a contribution to the fund drive this round. KPFA should apologize and give Gary Null a chance to air his program.
Anon - May 26th, 2015 at 1:09 PM
It is censorship plain and simple. And instead of allowing the listeners to decide what to believe, she told us that only she is allowed to decide what we should believe and what information we should have.
Alisha - May 26th, 2015 at 3:28 PM
Her rebuttal was hardly proof! Let's debate Laura? It's fair game! Show your proof! I can't believe she's trying to use "profiting on his health products" against him. Holy shit, has she seen Merck's quarterly financials (and fines for fraud?)
SFSecurity - May 26th, 2015 at 5:52 PM
I am not a scientist or journalist involved with HIV or AIDS but I have a question or two about the issue.

First, it would be nice to know Mr. Null's degrees and institutions. Often long documents asserting that one is right without evidence that can be verified are covering up something. Look at the monetarist claims of Friedman, et. al. and how they managed to bloviate us into all kinds of false moves with the economy. Also, just because someone has been on the air or published for 35 years does not necessarily mean that they are actually telling the truth or have their facts correct. Look at the idiots on Fox News or other right wing radio hosts as one set of examples.

This is not to say Mr. Null is not truthful or doesn't have his facts straight, but that his statements are assertions without internal backup. Yes, the data may be on his web site but, like he states about Wikipedia, it might not be all that accurate. How am I to know?

Now to my specific questions. How many people have died because of the measles vaccine versus the number that would have likely died without it since 2000 when the US was declared measles free?

The same question goes for smallpox and the rest of the childhood vaccines.

This is not to say that there are no risks with the vaccine but we need to look at the risk to reward of the vaccine. We don't get out of this world alive, the only questions are when and what caused our exit.

I will say that, in general I agree with most of what Mr. Null asserts as being likely. Yes, medical doctors frequently totally ignore alternatives or other approaches. Just look at the history of ulcers and you see 40 years of ignoring an anecdotal study published in JAMA in 1954 about the possibility of bacterial causation. I wasn't until ~1994 that the truth of that study was proven and now ulcers, while not unheard of is not all that common as a long lasting condition. Billions were wasted of wrong headed, unscientific approaches.

In the same way ignoring or attempting to discredit alternatives is just plain stupid and wasteful.

The other thing I agree with on this subject is the use of vaccines that are meant for adult situations, such as sexually transmitted diseases, should not be given to infants.

In any case, regardless of these issues, censorship has no place on KPFA and Laura Prives should be ashamed of herself. I'd rather that this be dealt with for the long run rather than have it simply brushed aside by either ignoring it or having her resign. She resigns and what will the next program director have for guidance for the future.

Jack Artz - May 30th, 2015 at 12:23 PM
Measles deaths had already dropped to zero/yearly by the time the first measles vaccine was released. So your test, deaths per no-vaccine vs deaths per vaccine, improperly considers vaccine to be the only death factor. Just pointing out a complacent fallacy easy to fall into.
Glenn Goodman - May 27th, 2015 at 9:21 AM

The vaccine issue is an odd one in that people who get that the tobacco industry, as well as the nuclear power industry, and oil, banking and all the rest of them are lying through their teeth about the harms they are doing to us with their toxic products. Cui Bono is alive and well there. Then you get to vaccines and people who have no trouble seeing through the aforementioned lies suddenly become industry cheerleaders, and for a depraved and corrupt industry at that. Sometimes that even means that they will see the corruption involved with 60,000 Vioxx deaths, but not with waves of retardation and allergies and tens of thousands of vaccine related SIDS deaths.
This could never be a college debate topic because the science is overwhelmingly on - surprise - the side of independent science, not industry and captured regulatory agency science.
I get why we only hear one side on the mainstream news, but from KPFA I expect much better.