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While It's Open Season on Catholic Priests, Jewish Contolled Media Silent About Pedophilia Among Rabbis and Jewish Leaders

By Rev. Ted Pike
February 13, 2013

While It's Open Season on Catholic Priests, Jewish Contolled Media Silent About Pedophilia Among Rabbis and Jewish Leaders (March 12, 2013)

Pedophilia Ravages Orthodox Judaism

With election of a new pope amidst recent admissions of sexual misconduct and appeasement by high Catholic clergy worldwide, many view Roman Catholicism as notorious in creation of pedophile priests. There can be little doubt that Jewish-dominated media, such as the New York Times, is fanning this issue. They are not losing this opportunity to let Catholic hierarchy in conclave to elect a new pope know the Jews can make big trouble for the Catholic Church if it does not elect a Jewish/Israel-friendly pontiff.

Meanwhile, virtually unpublicized by Jewish big media, Orthodox Judaism is experiencing an epidemic of child abuse indictments against rabbis and Jewish leaders. (See Jews Confirm Big Media Is Jewish) Even less reported is the fact that Jewish Orthodoxy's rampant pedophilia springs directly from extensive endorsements of child sex within Judaism's most esteemed, sacred literature, the Babylonian Talmud. (See Pedophilia: The Talmud's Dirty Secret)

An NYC Jewish insider website heroically exposing Jewish pedophilia is Shmarya Rosenberg's Serving the Orthodox community, Rosenberg is well acquainted with the difficulties of prosecuting influential Jewish pedophiles. The Jewish religious community often requires that any victim first report the alleged sex abuse to the Jewish courts. Such tend to quietly remove the sex offender from the area, sometimes to Israel. Also, Rosenberg alleges that even the civil courts in high-density Jewish areas such as Crown Heights are responsive to Jewish pressure for leniency on leaders who are pedophiles., reporting on the 2011 arrest of 85 Brooklyn Jews on sex abuse charges, agrees with Rosenberg.

"An Orthodox Jewish community has had to face up to claims of child sex abuse after 83 men and two women were arrested… Some 117 male and female victims have approached authorities in Brooklyn, New York since 2006. There were 89 accusers under the age of 17…Brooklyn District Attorney's office had been accused of being soft on child abusers which led to steps being put in place to make it easier for suspected victims to come forward… However 24 alleged paedophiles were not jailed. In some instances, the case against them collapsed when victims and their families backed out of giving evidence in court following pressure from the religious community, according to the assistant DA. Authorities have another 47 cases pending. The Orthodox Jewish organisation Agudath Israel of America, which has its headquarters in Manhattan, rules that anyone who claims to have been sexually abused by another Jew must consult rabbis first. Only then is the decision made whether to go to secular authorities."

Clearly, the problem of Jewish pedophilia is proliferating, particularly in major Jewish centers such as New York and Israel. On, Rosenberg includes 971 postings about real or alleged child abuse in the Orthodox community. But take this link to a less extensive but pictorial list, provided by, of rabbis and Jewish leaders accused of sexual abuse of children.


Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a Christian/conservative watchdog organization.

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