The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©
The Million Mom Farch
(or How the NWO Disarms America, Act II, Scene 3)

By Ken Adachi
May 13, 2000

First, let's review

The Clintons are under direction of the Illuminati to do their part to effect the disarming of America. The script being followed is the same one the Illuminati used to effect the disarming of British and Australian citizens. The Clintons aren't necessarily involved in planning or strategy since the Bilderbergers, the Tavistock Institute, and the Committee of 300, for example, attend to those details, but the Clintons are required to implement the agenda (at least until Gore or Bush becomes the next U.S. President, and then either one of those Illuminati puppets will continue the job).

Act I, remember, required a lot of young, innocent blood to be splattered across America's TV sets and newspaper headlines. So practically overnight it seems, we have high school shootings, elementary school shootings, preschool shootings, playground shootings, park shootings, fast food restaurant shootings, bus stop shootings, church shootings, office building shootings, and post office shootings (did I leave anything out? Well, no matter, the Illuminati will eventually round out the list).

In most cases, expendable, mind controlled individuals are used to perform the shooting sprees (along with unrecognized 'helpers' as evidenced from Oklahoma City, Waco, and Columbine) with   the helpful cooperation of  munchkins in TV Media Land providing the horrifying video. The purpose, of course, is to create a tidal wave of national ( & emotional) opposition to guns and pass legislation to ban the ownership of all firearms. For the time being, they wish to call it "gun control", but, in the end, the final goal is "gun banning".


Well, when these deceptive little devils kick in their "national emergency(ies)" or "martial law" or "national crisis" scenarios, they will come-a-calling to you and I. The steel helmeted, flak jacketed, assault weaponed, armed individuals outside your front door will want to come in and have a look around. They will tell you that Federal Law # blah, blah, blah (based on "LAWFUL Presidential Executive Orders") requires them to confiscate all firearms, 'excessive' food, radio equipment, and perhaps even YOU, under the rubric of 'national security'.

Now, they wouldn't like it if  you dissented TOO vigorously. It's OK if you just shout and yell and they have to carry you away in cuffs and ship you off to one of their 'Detention Centers' dotted across the landscape. No problem. But they definitely don't want you to take out your .45 or Uzi and start SHOOTING AT THEM! Good Lord, NO! We can't have that!

Back to the Play...

For starters, the organizers of this performance have said that there aren't REALLY going to be a MILLION moms protesting guns this Sunday. No, they've already stated publicly that it's more likely to be 150, 000 people or so.


Yea, well, it boils down to image and spin doctoring. After all, 150K sounds well,  pedestrian.

You have to admit that  a MILLION sounds a lot more impressive than a TENTH of a  million and, to prove the point, look at Louis  Farrakhan's 1995 "Million Man March" on Washington. How many people are aware that less 250,000 people showed up for that? It's the image man, it's the IMAGE that counts!

OK, but will stay-at-home, cookie baking, soccer moms be the bulk of the marchers?

Well, not... exactly.

That's what we're SUPPOSE to think, of course, but in reality this effort will be attended by  organized (& well funded) anti-gun people. For instance, look at the leader of this Million Mom 'grass roots movement',  Donna Dees-Thomases. She just happens to be the sister-in-law of  Hillary Clinton's best friend. Gee, you can't get any more grass roots than that!

I particularly loved this quote from a story posted by CNN on May 11 about the Farch,

 ...sponsors of the demonstration emphasized that a small group of  moms are responsible for the event. Dees-Thomases said Thursday that many of the  planners "never organized anything more complicated than a car pool."

Yeah. Right.

Thankfully, Americans aren't as stupid as the Illuminati assumes they are and they are seeing through Messrs.. Reno's and Clinton's subterfuge with growing clarity. God Bless those 5 Texas women who started the Second Amendment Sisters (  ).

Let's just hope there are enough politicians left in Congress who are ALSO interested in preserving our liberties.
Copyright 2000 Ken Adachi &

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