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Bloomberg News Admits Fukushima Radiation Reportage Overblown, Underscoring Accuracy of ZS Livingstone's Articles at Following 3/11 Attack on Japan

[Editor's Note: On March 10, 2013, exactly 2 years to the date of the 3/11/11 attack on Japan, Bloomberg News published an article by Robert Peter Gale & Eric Lax that vindicates the editorial position steadfastly maintained by and our resident essayist, ZS Livingstone (see our earliest articles of March 19, 2011 and March 23, 2011 decrying radiation hysteria), in the immediate aftermath of the sabotage operations launched against Japan on 3/11. We have stated emphatically - from the very beginning - that the wildly exaggerated radiation scare stories being promoted by mainstream media outlets worldwide, by Leftist anti-nuclear energy zealots (such as Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez of Democracy Now), by the Zionist-created propaganda outlet called Energy News, and the most dedicated Fukushima radiation hysteria promoter of them all, Jeff Rense, of, along with the entire Radiation Fear Mongering Psyops Team featuring Leuren Moret, Arnie Gundersen, Christopher Busby, Yoichi Shimatsu, among many others, were unsubstantiated, unproven, and largely fabricated radiation scare stories created out of whole cloth.

Before the Bloomberg article reprinted further below, I'll post an e-mail exchange between Al G. and ZS Livingstone in which other elements of the Japan 3/11 attack - not reported in Bloomberg - are reviewed: such as the undersea nuclear explosions that caused the sea surge (reported by lamestream as a "tsunami") and the pre-planted mini nuke bombs that caused the explosions at the Daiichi nuclear power station in Fukushima prefecture, falsely reported as "hydrogen gas explosions.". ...Ken Adachi]
March 10, 2013

Bloomberg News Admits Fukushima Radiation Overblown, Underscoring Accuracy of ZS Livingstone's Articles at Following 3/11 Attack on Japan (March 10, 2013)

----- Original Message -----
Subject: ZSL Was Right!
From: Al G
To: Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2013 4:29 PM

You were right, my friend. I'm not surprised, though. Fukushima is the topic I'm referring to. Have you seen the story in Bloomberg?

Minimul health risk. I'm sure you recall as I do the stories that came at us about how the radiation cloud was heading for the US and we were all gonna die of cancer. The fear peddlers were vocal and extreme back in those days. The story just kinda died down with no one ever acknowledging that the threat was over-stated.

Here's the relevant paragraph:

"And what of the lasting threat from radiation? Remarkably, outside the immediate area of Fukushima, this is hardly a problem at all. Although the crippled nuclear reactors themselves still pose a danger, no one, including personnel who worked in the buildings, died from radiation exposure. Most experts agree that future health risks from the released radiation, notably radioactive iodine-131 and cesiums-134 and - 137, are extremely small and likely to be undetectable."

You do good work, my friend!



---- Original Message -----
From: Zuerrnnovahh-Starr Livingstone
To: Al G
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2013 6:35 PM
Subject: Fw: ZSL Was Right!


The Bloomberg article omits that there were four bombs used to destroy the reactor buildings and the use of six nukes in the Japanese Trench to create an artificial tsunami. The inundation of the east coast of Honshu was a surge of water driven by bubbles of steam from the exploded nukes. The videos show water rising without any tsunami wave. The radiation in the ocean was more than likely all due to the six nukes and very little due to leakage from the damaged reactors. There was no 9.0 Richter earthquake. The nukes caused 5.0 to 6.7 Richter earthquakes. Seismologists were forced to lie because the perpetrators of the attack on Japan have threatened them. Most of the one thousand earthquakes in the same region over the next six weeks were artificial too. They were created by a secret earthquake machine on a platform in space.

Nuclear reactors do not explode. Even in meltdown they do not explode. There are too many levels of safety built into their designs. The four tactical nukes used were designed to explode.

Similarly Chernobyl in 1986 was destroyed by a tactical nuke placed under one of the reactors. The plant was operating normally until the time of the sabotage according to Dimitri Khalesov. He names to two men who profited by this criminal act. The explosion effectively shutdown the nuclear chain reaction by spreading the nuclear fuel over a ten acre area. There was no possibility of a meltdown. The reactor core was disassembled by the explosion. There is no possibility of more fallout being generated because the core is gone. The huge structure over the reactor did not need to be built. Its partial collapse last winter 2012/2013 did not cause much radiation to escape.

This has become a bit of a rant against the Bloomberg article but it is good some truth is coming out.


Fukushima Radiation Proves Less Deadly Than Feared

By Robert Peter Gale & Eric Lax Mar 10, 2013 3:30 PM PT

It is two years since Japan’s 9.0- magnitude earthquake, one so powerful it shifted the position of the Earth’s figure axis by as much as 6 inches and moved Honshu, Japan’s main island, 8 feet eastward. The tsunami generated by the earthquake obliterated towns, drowned almost 20,000 people and left more than 300,000 homeless. Everyone living within 15 miles of Fukushima was evacuated; many are still in temporary housing. Some will never be able to return home.

More than 300,000 buildings were destroyed and another million damaged, including four reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant on the northeast coast. The earthquake caused the immediate shutdown of this and three other nuclear-power facilities.

Since the earthquake, a powerful movement gained momentum to halt Japan’s use of nuclear energy, which provided 30 percent of the country’s electricity. The last of 54 nuclear reactors was shut down in May 2012. Two facilities were restarted in June 2012; 52 remain shut. Japan has therefore had to increase its imports of natural gas, low-sulfur crude oil and fuel oil at a substantial economic and environmental cost. Seventy-five percent of the country’s electricity now comes from fossil fuels.

Accustomed to large trade surpluses, Japan, in 2012, had a record $78 billion trade deficit, thanks to increased energy imports and a drop in exports as Japanese goods became more expensive to produce.

Radiation Threat

And what of the lasting threat from radiation? Remarkably, outside the immediate area of Fukushima, this is hardly a problem at all. Although the crippled nuclear reactors themselves still pose a danger, no one, including personnel who worked in the buildings, died from radiation exposure. Most experts agree that future health risks from the released radiation, notably radioactive iodine-131 and cesiums-134 and - 137, are extremely small and likely to be undetectable.

Even considering the upper boundary of estimated effects, there is unlikely to be any detectable increase in cancers in Japan, Asia or the world except close to the facility, according to a World Health Organization report. There will almost certainly be no increase in birth defects or genetic abnormalities from radiation.

Even in the most contaminated areas, any increase in cancer risk will be small. For example, a male exposed at age 1 has his lifetime cancer risk increase from 43 percent to 44 percent. Those exposed at 10 or 20 face even smaller increases in risk -- similar to what comes from having a whole-body computer tomography scan or living for 12 to 25 years in Denver amid background radiation in the Rocky Mountains. (There is no discernible difference in the cancer rates between people who live in Denver and those in Los Angeles or New York.)

Rather than stand as a warning of the radiation danger posed by nuclear power, in other words, Fukushima has become a reminder that uninformed fears aren’t the same as actual risks.

Why are the anticipated risks from Japan’s nuclear accident so small? Perhaps the most important reason is that about 80 percent of the radiation released was blown into the ocean. Radioactive contamination of the sea sounds dreadful, but because oceans naturally contain large amounts of radioactive materials, the net increase in oceanic radioactivity is minuscule.

Another reason the public was protected is that the 200,000 or so people living within 15 miles of Fukushima were rapidly evacuated. People living in a few hotspot towns slightly farther away who didn’t leave on their own received the highest civilian doses.

Iodine Pills

The quarantine of radiation-contaminated foodstuffs also kept the public safe. Milk containing iodine-131 was responsible for many cases of thyroid cancer in children after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident in Ukraine. In Japan, nonradioactive iodine pills were distributed to the population to block uptake of radioactive iodine by the thyroid.

In the 26 years since Chernobyl, there have been more than 6,000 cases of thyroid cancers, almost all in children who were less than 16 years old when they were exposed to iodine-131, predominately through milk and other contaminated foodstuffs. Fortunately thyroid cancer in children is rarely fatal; there have been fewer than 15 deaths. There may also be a slight increase in leukemia risk among the 600,000 workers involved in containing the accident.

Even so, there is no convincing evidence, at least as yet, of an increased cancer risk in the thousands of evacuees from the town of Pripyat, where the reactor was located, nor among the 30 million living in contaminated lands. Also, as with Fukushima, there is no convincing evidence of birth defects or genetic abnormalities. (Gale helped treat the worst cases of radiation poisoning at Chernobyl and has been involved with the follow-up in the years since the accident. He has been involved in Japan since the catastrophe and worked with Japanese scientists to estimate health risks.)

Radiation spikes detected in the weeks and months following the Fukushima accident caused concern and sometimes panic. One day a higher-than-permissible level of iodine-131 (300 becquerels per liter, or less than 0.00008 parts per trillion) was detected in the drinking water in Tokyo. People immediately emptied stores of bottled water. However, the amount of contamination in Tokyo water was so low, Tokyoites would have had to drink 6 quarts of it a day for a month to get the same radiation dose that an airline crew member receives in a year of flying between Los Angeles and Tokyo.

People naturally worried about eating fish from the ocean around Fukushima, and stringent mitigation actions were taken. Bluefin tuna caught off California six months later were found to have traces of cesium-137 from Fukushima, though less ounce for ounce than the amount of radioactive potassium-40 found in a banana.

Food Safety

The important question is, how can we be certain any food source is safe if higher-than-normal radiation levels are detected? The best way to answer this is to consider the risk involved with eating food that may be contaminated. U.S. food safety standards, for example, often restrict the content of carcinogens, including radiation, to levels that might cause a 1-in-100,000 or 1-in-1,000,000 lifetime risk of cancer. But consider the average 50-year-old male who has a baseline risk of 43 percent to develop cancer in his lifetime. (In women, it’s 39 percent.) The contaminated food increases that 43 percent lifetime risk to 43.0000001 percent.

Exposure to radiation isn’t always what it seems. Of course, people in the path of a radioactive cloud may receive a dangerous dose of radiation, depending on the concentration of radionuclides, atmospheric conditions and their location -- indoors or outside -- when the plume passes. Immediate countermeasures are essential. In Japan, laudably, most people were sheltered in place and then evacuated in a relatively controlled manner. Some people received iodine tablets.

An independent commission found considerable confusion among Japanese government officials, personnel at the nuclear power facility and executives at Tokyo Electric Power Company in Tokyo. Furthermore, emergency authorities didn’t share or use some important data on radioactive contamination, and that caused some people to be evacuated to zones of higher radioactive contamination. And some children remained in high- radiation areas far too long. Nevertheless, official actions largely protected the public, and most continuing fears of health risks from radiation have little basis in fact.

Prudence and safety must be paramount in the use of nuclear energy -- in fact, in the use of any kind of energy. Although immediate and long-term health risks of nuclear accidents are often exaggerated, social, psychological and economic consequences are obviously enormous. We don’t believe that nuclear energy is always the best choice, but it is important to carefully weigh the risks and benefits of using nuclear energy compared with other sources of fuel to generate electricity.

Fossil Fuels

Japan has few domestic energy resources and depends on imports for about 85 percent of its energy. What price will the country pay if it abandons nuclear energy and uses only fossil fuels? Air pollution from coal-fired power plants causes about 500 times more deaths per unit of electricity produced than radiation from nuclear plants does. Electricity produced from oil isn’t much safer. Even natural gas causes about 60 times more deaths than nuclear does because of pollution. And consider that more than 100,000 coal miners died in the U.S. in the past century and more than 6,000 die every year in China.

If, in response to Fukushima, Japan switches to more fossil fuels, the resulting carbon dioxide emissions, greenhouse gases and global warming could affect all of us. Already, because of the nuclear shutdown since the accident, there is no longer any chance Japan will meet its commitments in the 2009 Copenhagen Accord to cut greenhouse-gas emissions from 1990 levels by 25 percent by 2020. The country’s 2012 estimate for greenhouse gases is about 1.3 billion tons, the most since 2007, making Japan the fifth top emitter worldwide.

We support stringent safety requirements for operating all nuclear power facilities, in Japan and everywhere else, including the Bushehr facility in Iran. But no energy-producing operation is foolproof: mines collapse, ships run aground, terrorists blow up pipelines and nuclear plants have meltdowns (fortunately rarely). Citizens of Japan are understandably traumatized by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. But to make intelligent decisions about radiation, it’s best to rely on facts -- and not let emotional or illogical fears get in the way.

(Robert Peter Gale, a visiting professor of hematology at Imperial College London, has for 30 years been involved in the global medical response to nuclear and radiation accidents. Eric Lax is a writer whose books include “The Mold in Dr. Florey’s Coat” and “Conversations with Woody Allen.” They are the authors of “Radiation: What It Is, What You Need to Know.” The opinions expressed are their own.)

To contact the writers of this article: Robert Peter Gale at Eric Lax at

To contact the editor responsible for this article: Mary Duenwald at


Former Fukushima Radiation Believer Pays for Lab Tests & Discovers Sea Kelp Purchased in Northern Japan Is Competely Safe (Jan. 19, 2014)

Arnie Gundersen, Fraudulent Fabricator of Fukushima Radiation Hysteria (Jan. 14, 2014)

Fear vs. Radiation: The Mismatch by David Ropeik (Oct. 21, 2013. EY posted Jan. 14, 2013)

Turner Radio Network Brazenly Fabricates Sensationa, Dishonestl Fukushima Radiation Scare Stories to Gain Readers (Jan. 6, 2014)

Rumor Mill News Readers Notice Connection Between Fukushima 'Earthquake' Party Line, Radiation Hysteria, Emperor Rense and Henry Makow Breakup (Jan. 4, 2014)

Veteran Radiation Detection Vendor, Craig Douglas, Wages Uphill Battle Convincing Preppers & Patriots That There Was (and Is) NO Radiation Danger from Fukushima (Jan. 5, 2013)

Do you really want a Geiger counter? by Craig Douglas (Oct. 16, 2013)

Rumor Mill News Readers Notice Connection Between Fukushima 'Earthquake' Party Line, Radiation Hysteria, Emperor Rense and Henry Makow Breakup (Jan. 4, 2014)

Latest Rense Promoted Fukushima Radiation Hysteria Video Illustrative of the Triumph of Ignorance Over Informed Observation and Analysis, Part 1 (Dec. 31, 2013)

Japan's Radiation Disaster Toll: None Dead, None Sick by John Watson (June 4, 2013, EY posted Nov. 22, 2013)

Woods Hole Radionuclide Expert Ken Buesseler's FAQ on Radiation from Fukushima (August 28, 2013, EY posted Nov. 22, 2013)

What You Need To Know About Fukushima’s Radiation And The U.S. Food Supply (Sep. 12, 2013, EY posted Nov. 22, 2013)

Mother Now Worries Daily About Fukushima Radiation "Crisis" Being Fanned by Hysteria Promoters like Dr. Christopher Busby at Infowars (Nov 19, 013)

Thinking Reader Brilliantly Dissembles Rense-Posted Fukushima Radiation Hysteria Article with Simple Mathematical Analysis (Nov. 15, 2013)

Former Navy Nuclear Engineer Rod Adams Addresses Fear Mongering Tactics of Fukushima Radiation Alarmists (Oct. 27, 2013)

Fukushima Radiation Exposure and Risks Overblown According to Study by Dr. Zbigniew Jaworowski (Oct. 26, 2013)

In Praise of Tokyo Electric Power Company TEPCO by ZS Livingstone (Oct. 3, 2013)

Sept. 20, 2013: Tokyo's Daily Radiation Readings NOW Equivalent to Background Radiation Levels BEFORE March 11, 2011, Underscorinmg the Big Lie of Fukushima Radiation Hysteria (Sept. 21, 2013)

No, Radiation from Fukushima has NOT Killed Hundreds of Whales (Sep. 5, 2013)

Japanese Video of 2011 Seismic Activity Reveals Active Role of Satellite Earthquake Machines Following 3/11 by ZS Livingstone (May 4, 2013)

Fukushima Reactors Status Report April 11, 2013

Bloomberg News Admits Fukushima Radiation Overblown, Underscoring Accuracy of ZS Livingstone's Articles at Following Japan Attack on 3/11/11 (March 10, 2013)

E-mail From Japan re. Fukushima Alarmism & Dumping Nuclear Waste (Dec. 6, 2012)

Tokyo's Daily Radiation Readings Underscore the Fallacy of the Fukushima Radiation Hysteria (Dec. 4, 2012)

Fukushima Radiation Fear Mongering: An Orchestrated Scare Campaign Exceeding the Fraud of 9/11 (May 19, 2012)

Letter: Fukushima Psyops Crystalizes NWO Goal to Eliminate Nuclear Energy (May 31, 2012)

Overcoming the Japan Radiation Propaganda 'Tsunami' Is An Uphill Battle (May 2, 2012)

Death by Radiation: Coming Soon to a Neighborhood Near You, Part 1 (May 28, 2011)

Death by Radiation, Part 2 (May 29, 2011)

Japanese Blog: "Clear Evidence" Rockefeller Behind 3/11 and Sabotaged Nuclear Reactors (April 9, 2011)

"Did You Think?" (Japan Radiation Alarmism) April 7, 2011

Japan Radiation Hype: Those Who Pump It & Those Who Believe It (April 6, 2011)

There Is No Meltdown at Daiichi! by ZS Livingstone (April 10, 2011)

Fear of Radiation is a Psi-Op by ZS Livingstone (March 23, 2011)

Japan Radiation Scare Hugely Overblown by Western Media (Mar. 19, 2011)

Japan's Nuclear Reactor Hydrogen Explosions by ZS Livingstone (March 14, 2011)

Japan's 3/11/11 Mega 9.1 Earthquake: Another Illuminati Production? (Mar. 12, 2011)

Radio shows & Transcripts

Some Japanese Beginning to Realize That 3/11 Earthquake, Tsunami, and Fukushima Blasts Were Sabotage Events: ZS Livingstone, Jim Murray, & Don Nicoloff in Conversation May 13, 2011 Transcript
(The conversation starts at the 9 minute mark)

ZS Livingstone & Don Nicoloff (4th Talk) Dismantle the Japan "Radiation" Apprehension Psyops April 14, 2011 on BBS Radio Transcript

Ken Adachi, ZSL, & Don Nicoloff 3rd Conversation on the Manufactured Japan Quake, the Sabotaged Nuclear Reactors, and Sabotaged Radioactive Water and Air Contamination (March 31, 2011) Transcript

Ken Adachi, ZSL, & Don Nicoloff 2nd Discusssion of the Hidden Agenda Behind Japan's Manufactured Earthquake/Radiation Crisis March 24, 2011 Transcript

ZS Livingstone & Don Nicoloff Discuss the Manufactured March 11 Japan Tsunami and Nuclear Reactor Sabotage Precipitating Unjustified Panic Designed to Disrupt Japanese Economy and Provoke American Military "Aid" (March 16, 2011)

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